Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I just got back from Shift.
I love it there, not gunna lie.

But sometimes I wonder if they know what worship is.
Tonight I began to wonder what it was or why we do it.
What it really means.

I went into the recording studio after worship to ponder it all,
when Trevor came in. We started talking about life etc. and he
ended up showing me a song he wrote.

Really beautiful stuff.

I loved the idea of it.
The chorus was something like:
How could you ever be good to me?

Anyways, it hit a lot on that, and went on to say that
it is why we gather to worship him.
That we do not deserve his love but he loves us anyways.
That is why we worship him.

It was cool how I was sidetracked from thinking about some stuff only to have it all placed in a beautifully written song performed before me.

I love how God works.


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