Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex-The Ultimate Spectator Sport?

If you know me well enough, you'll probably find out that I dealt
with porn for a few years. 

And if you didn't know that, you do now.

Anyways, time to time I think about it again(not in that way). It's really kind of ridiculous if you think about it-the idea of watching two people go at because
you're not getting any. Not that I condone sex before marriage, but really.

It's kind of like this:
If you're going to jail for murder, it seems appropriate to go to jail for actually murdering instead of watching it all happen.

I guess that's kind of bad of me to say that, but it's kind of true I think.

The point is that porn is just kind of ridiculous but it's basically the number one 
spectator sport ever-it makes up about 97% of everything on the internet. And the internet is friggin huge. And that's really depressing to me...Some guy buying himself something less than what it could be. Or herself? That's apparently bigger than I initially thought.

All this to say-
Don't be like me...
                                 when it comes to that.


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