Tuesday, June 30, 2009


"Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest..."
-Psalm 55:6

I don't know why, but I just really found that quite lovely
and felt compelled to share it.

I guess it's just because the idea of peace has always sounded really nice to me.

Not saying that I am without peace.
But just the idea of flying away to a distant land and being able to fill my lungs
full of air. Living life.

Benjamin Button teaches that our lives are defined by opportunities taken and missed.

Like, yesterday, Chris and I were going to go to the park to hang out, but instead we hung around outside my house and played music. Two men came and hung out with us. One of them was pretty blown away by the fact we could listen to a song and play along with it.

But that's besides the point.

What I'm saying is that we could have gone to the park and had an okay time, but life thew another opportunity when we chose to go a different path. So we missed one opportunity to go to the park, but gained another to meet new people and enjoy their company. Who knows what we missed by going to the park? Nobody really(God doesn't count because he's God).

Anyways, if this sounds like I'm rambling, it's because I am.
Hope you enjoyed some of my thoughts and are all enjoying your life. :)


1 comment:

Chris said...

nothing like buzzed neighbors