Monday, June 8, 2009


Hey! I got back from DC yesterday and it was quite a trip.
I spent ten hours planning next year at ALTAER with Jake.
Then ten hours planning on the way back.

The second day there we went out into the city just to hang out
with different people around town. I took Becky and Kara with me
to go talk to this homeless man named Larry. Really cool guy. He was
having problems getting a shelter because in order to get a shelter you have
to send an address, but he was homeless. Anyways, we ended up praying for him,
and afterwards Becky was saying that was the first time she had prayed out loud for
someone. It really was cool to see her step up.

This happened time and time again with the younger ones in my team.

Some talked to the homeless.

Others to the elder.

A few gathered the guts to ask restaurants for extra food to feed the homeless.

Sure I stepped in and tried to set the pace, but after I stepped back, they took the reigns.

Just the fact that they were once these immature SHIFT kids a few weeks prior and were
now growing into these beautiful women and strong men after God.

Still, when it comes down to it, what they are going with these experiences is up to them.
I have been around Student Life for six years and have seen some people take them and run
with it, and others forget and drift away.

I pray they will choose continue to pursue God.

If you want to hear about all the little details, you can talk to me or borrow my journal or something.
Glad to be back, though :)


1 comment:

Never_Forsaken said...

This is awesome bro. I'm glad to see the impact that God is having on the generations and its good to see that our generation is keeping up with the up-and-coming. God bless bro.