Friday, April 17, 2009


So the band and I officially started working on our Summer project:
Our first EP!

I must admit, pushing for doing this in a proper way was kind of agitating at first.
I was trying to convince them to use Logic in my basement to do the recording, but
they were insistent on using their track recorder. Now, they had some okay recordings
on this, but like one of the band members later said, It is like offering a million dollars to a
homeless person only for them to be content with being homeless. We spent the whole Friday
recording from about 5 to 10, and final mixing/bouncing around 12:45. Overall I think it is a
great start. While we were not shooting for the 100% quantized(machine perfect) sound, I still
feel that everything felt tight, but still very human.
After listening to his vocal, our lead singer(the most skeptical) was completely sold.

I am really excited about this project! :)

Check it out at
It is titled Shining Eyes(compare it to the other songs and let me know what you honestly think)



likeanegg said...

haha... nice... ok i did not see that exact song on the list but i listened to them two i did see and they were really good... :D when you came in on accordian in stare at the sun i was like "JONATHAN...!!! :D I KNOW HIM...!!" haha... anyway... very chill sound... made me relax... which i needed... haha... see you Thursday :P

Chris said...

i'm pretty excited about this EP
i can't believe we're actually doing it

Never_Forsaken said...

i did not see that particular song on there but i loved the other two. You guys have a really nice sound. Congrats on the opportunity and i hope you guys continue to do what you love while worshiping the One you love. God bless bro.

indy_jones222 said...

Yeah, we took it off of myspace.
If you want to check out THAT song, it is on

Let me know what you think.