Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've been trying pretty hard to be good again...

Sometimes I think I can be a jerk.
       And I know all of my adoring blog fans are thinking:
"Jonathan, you're so smart and deep-how could you possibly be a jerk?"
Okay you weren't thinking that, but I was.

But really. 
        When I look at myself, I figure I'm genuinely a pretty nice guy overall.
But there's this part of me where I get in moods where I'm kind of sarcastic and blunt, and every once in a while I think it rubs someone the wrong way.

Like today I was in one of those moods and my family was just kind of like...Seriously?

It mostly makes my mom upset I think because she's very 'tone sensitive' towards the things I say.

Part of me thinks that it has to do with the fact I've always been this way, but it came out more after I became more open with who I was.

I don't know if it's a bad thing or not. I think it can be sometimes, but I don't mean it to be or want it to.

I'm not sitting here bashing myself, but I am just posting my thoughts on things.

Anyways, I've decided I tend to have kind of extremes of being really sarcastic and loud and whatnot or really quiet, soft-spoken and serious.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but it gets frustrating every once in a while.

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