Saturday, April 26, 2008

Woe is me

"But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving your comfort in full."
-Luke 6:24

That's a hard verse to live for us.

"If you have two coats, you've stolen one from the poor."
-I dunno who said that, but I read it somewhere.

I think we look at verses or thoughts like that as nice ideas, but I have to
question how many of us live something like that out. How do we live as
poor people when we're taught to go to college and get a better job than
that person, or to work your way up higher in the corporate world?

I think that's being a big deciding factor when I think about my future.
Is spending a few years of my short life worth spending in college, or does
my God want something else for me in that time? Should I be rich and use
my money to go help others or be poor and live humbly like my father taught
us to be? Part of me thinks that God gives us money and all of this to go help
those because we have it, but another part of me feels like this verse where I
shouldn't need much so I can rely on my father more.

Two paths. Two years to decide.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Joshua Harkey said...

I think God does give us money to use it for him.

I also think some Christians use that as an excuse to have it.

If your heart's in the right place, then don't feel like there's something wrong with making lots of money. It doesn't mean you have to spend it on yourself.

I think that for most people college is about making more money. Or recognition. and so on.

For you, college is about getting where God wants you to be. College isn't an end goal, it exists to get you somewhere else later on. It's an investment.

Ask yourself where God wants you to be. Then ask if college is needed or helpful in getting there or being better at it.

And of course, while you're in college... you hopefully would have a sweet group of Christians to hang out with. Which is good. For me I can see that this time is huge for learning and getting ready to serve God for the rest of my life. If I had to jump into the real world with my high school faith... things would have been much harder at best.

Keep asking God what he wants you to do.

Two years isn't long.
But it will be long enough. :)