Monday, April 14, 2008

Is the church in the show business?

I sometimes wonder if we try to put on a show at a worship service.
Like I feel like a lot of times it's easy to go on a Sunday and just expect
to be entertained by cool videos and exciting music and a sermon so we
can give an 'amen' even if we don't realize what we're saying when we say
amen. To be honest, it kind of scares me if that's what the church has come
to-meeting on Sundays to see that super-cool Jonathan kid play piano or guitar
or accordion and arrange music in weird ways just because it's fun to watch.
Not to say that I think I'm that great at any of those but I was just pulling an
example from my humble self. I think this brings me to ask if we're worshiping
tools to worship God rather than God? Are we worshiping Larry's crazy voice
or Tommy's great pastoring skills or Aaron's deep thoughts? 

And I'm not trying to act self-righteous in saying I don't do it. Because I do.
And I want to maybe address the idea. Maybe I'm completely wrong and am just
being an idiot. Maybe. Anyways any thoughts on the church becoming a show.
I was talking to a friend who's a worship leader and they were saying that when
a church gets big it has to start becoming more of a show. Maybe they're right.
Maybe. Anyways, yeah...


Johnathan Davis said...

Very good points! I think alot of todays churchgoers get in more on being "religious" then actually paying attention to the One they're supposedly praising.
Cool title!


andy brophy said...

well said my much wiser than his years friend

i have been rather cynical towards "church" as it is thought of today but pray and hope that God uses me to usher in what the church should be

Joshua Harkey said...

I want to post a really long comment involving a Donald Miller talk, but it's too long. :) Maybe if we remember then we can talk about it one day.

But I think you're right.
Our generation especially likes to be entertained. It's not necessarily a bad thing...
But it can be. Again, especially for us, who idolize entertainment and entertainers.