Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I feel like I have had a lot more peace over the past few weeks or so.
Obviously I am not perfect, but it has nice to remember what it feel like
to not be overwhelmed or bitter or hopeless.

But my parents decided to have a meeting with my counselor today at school after I asked them not to because of my F in math. Apparently they still have the technical course which would mean no math class for me next year, but it would boot me out of either Music Tech or Internship next year.

That seriously pisses me off!
At the beginning of my freshman year, I signed a little check box for that course and they blatantly told me to my face they did not offer it any more. Now three years later it has left me screwed in my current math class and next year because I will either knock off something that actually matters to me or be stuck in a math class I cannot handle.
All because they friggin lied to me.
Then people wonder why I am against our school system. They lie to increase their friggin school funding!

I trust that God has something for me in this, but it honestly does not really make me feel any less pissed right now.


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