Sunday, February 22, 2009


Something that I am not very open about myself about is that I do not really like to read the bible.

It is not anything personal, I just feel like I get very little out of reading.

I look at it and can maybe pull a cool quote here and there...But that is just about it.
And it is not like I have never put discipline into reading it or anything.

Reading just tends to be a very empty activity for me.
But stick in a movie and I can often times catch some symbolism.

I guess that is why I am dropping to CP Language Art next year.
Reading literature means very little to me for some reason.

Anyways, I just thought I would share something about myself that you probably did not know.



Kate Fields said...

i have that problem too. well, i love reading but i don't read my bible nearly as much as i should.

Joshua Harkey said...

i think we have to ask God to help us see the value of the bible :)

and i don't just mean a little prayer each time you read it...

we need God to change our hearts so that we can't LIVE without it

we should hunger for it like it's wholesome food. we should desire it like a kid desires honey.

the problem is that we just don't truly understand how GOOD and NEEDED it really is.

Never_Forsaken said...

hey bro, its not anything bad. I have that problem too. I love reading and when i start reading the Bible i get into it for a little bit. often its just the thought of i grew up with this and this is what im taught and the through that im doing this as an obligation sort of throw me off. Maybe dont look at it as something you have to do, just look at it as something more fun like rereading a long forgotten journal entry. Maybe look at it as the other half to all those prayer conversations. I dont know bro, i hope it helps.