Sunday, April 12, 2009


Spring Break was like a calm battle.

I have felt more relaxed and more alive this week than I can remember feeling in a LONG time.

It probably had to do a ton with the fact I spent a lot of it writing and playing music with my friends. Honestly, few things on earth make me feel so happy. So ALIVE and FREE.

I felt like this is how I want to wake up every day. Call up a friend or two. Write some songs. Make something in 5/4 that transitions into 4/4 just for the heck of it. Record something for fun. Find out you are playing at the Warehouse in two weeks without prior notice.
I loved just about every second of it.

And yet there was the battle.
I have struggled more with porn/masturbation the past two weeks than I have in about a year or so.

It was scary.
I was terrified that it would become a habit again...but thank God it has not. Yet.
Be praying for that if you would like.

I also think I was able to sit down and evaluate the way I treated people...Mostly Kelsey, if you want to know the truth.
Not that I think I treat her poorly, but I always think there is room for improvement :)

Oh, and back to music, The Hazards of Love by the Decemberists came out.
One word: Inspiring
Now if I could get more people to appreciate its glory with me.
And the new mewithoutYou CD is coming out!!! Check out their new song on their myspace.

I hope you all are doing well,

PS check out these videos: (I am playing this at the Warehouse apparently :P ) (There are a few of these!)


Kate Fields said...

this is the music video some of my friends at my campus ministry made to "jesus is my friend"

Chris said...

man spring break was awesome
there's nothing like writing music

oh and we need to finish that song haha