Saturday, September 27, 2008


Earlier this week I ended up getting kind of down 
because I was thinking about my future and what all I wanted to do with it.
         I have so much passion I don't know what to do with it.
I love God, music, the homeless, and recently, people.
(The whole learning that I love people thing is kind of  cool).

So I have all of these passions and desires, but I don't really know where I want to go with it.
 I could see myself doing a ministry thing, but is that really for me?

I would love to do the music thing, but am I good enough to live off of it?

Can I get a job working with the homeless or people that pays enough for the rent?

I don't really know.
But sitting around worrying about it won't help my situation.

I need to live today and pursue my passions today.

God has plans to prosper me and not to harm me.

I just sometimes wish I knew what those plans were now.
But then again...
Where would be the adventure in that?


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