Saturday, April 19, 2008

I could have saved one more...

I watched Schindler's List the other night, and it really hit
me hard. I guess this is kind of a spoiler, but it's a true story,
so it doesn't count. Like this guy Schindler basically gives all
of the money he has to buy Jews to 'work' for him until the war ends.
When he's done buying them he looks at every person he saves-hundreds
of them. And then he looks at his car he's going to drive off in. "I could have saved
at least ten more with this." Then he looks at his pin representing he supports the
Nazi party. "This is made of gold. I could have bought two more...maybe one more."
He began to sob in shame for denying eleven people life. He lived for compassion's sake-
he didn't look at all the people and say "Look at all the people I saved!" He said, "I could
have saved more!" I think we should be that way when it comes to our compassion. Like
we should let our hearts fill with compassion and instead of saying how well we do,
we need to long to help more.

"Hey now fill our hearts with your compassion"

I've been kind of excited about Costa Rica. But I'm also kind of worried.
Like on other trips I've always kind of had a security that I'd be able to help
in some small way-whether filling a bowl with soup or tossing a brick. But this
trip is much different. I'll have chances to play and worship, but outside of that.
I don't feel the same security I can always help out in whatever small servant-like
ways I can. Or if God is trying to tell me to serve in one way, but I miss it because
my heart is closed off. I try not to worry-and I'm really excited. I just sometimes stress
a little about how God will use me/if he will depending on how open my heart is to him.
I want to ask you to pray for me, but maybe not...instead I think you should be praying for the people I'll get to serve while I'm there and that they might see Christ in me and the rest of
the team. I guess this shouldn't be a trip about teens going down to do some stuff in Costa Rica,
but rather God working in Costa-maybe we should be removed from the place of honor in that. Does that make sense? Like that it would be all God rather than his people.
Anyways, I need to be up in like 5 hours and 30 minutes.

I love you, (insert your name here),

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