What now?
I guess things are kind of crazy right now.
And by crazy, I mean today's the first day in forever I haven't done anything.
I've been kind of confused with things right now. But that's nothing new.
Since Costa(read the post below if you care about it) I've been trying to figure out
what's next. I sort of have an idea that it has something to do with my relationship with God kind of transitioning from this thing where it's more based on how I feel to serving God despite how I feel because he's God and worth serving.
But I'm not sure if that's exactly where I'm heading or if that's just a side quest of somewhere else I'm heading that I don't really know about right now.
Does that make sense?
Because I'm not so sure it makes sense to me either...
(Bye the way, I've been getting these pictures from Deviant Art-they're not mine)